Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Coffee: From the Grounds Up

Tonight was my first session at UW "From the Grounds Up" series.
Guest speaker: Mark Pendergrast, author of
Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How it Transformed Our World

Full house! It was exciting to hear from a researchers perspective about the coffee industry - general culture, social & environmental impact...Mark was witty and charismatic. I wish we had more time to listen, learn and engage on a personal level. I already have my trip to Oaxaca on my "list" but tonight's lecture definitely moved it up on my priorities.

We're all aware of the market value of the black gold but it was fascinating to hear some hard facts that prove how easily this thing I love can be too much to handle.

I vow to be a smart and compassionate coffee connoisseur - enjoy and not destroy.

I can't wait for the next session.

Self-proclaimed coffee geek,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for CP's management visits L.A.'s service team to make the trip to Intelligentsia Coffee and Tea, your blog entry about them really peaked my interest and now it's become a mission for me. Thanks for sharing.